HIIT #1 vo2 Max Trainer

High-Intensity Interval Training Workouts are for those who wish to go to the next level in their training or you are already there and need some hard-hitting action!

This HIIT routine was designed to get results and you can perform this either once in a while as a change-up routine or 3-4 times a week.

The design of this workout is to first perform the treadmill for 10 minutes. First, walk at a middle speed for a couple of minutes then jog for a couple of minutes, once you are sufficiently warmed up then you are ready. You will be running at a flat all-out speed for 30 seconds then walk for 2 minutes…repeat 5 times which will be 10 minutes not counting the warm-up part.

Next, perform the 6 exercises in order from 1 through 6 doing each exercise just once, taking a 60-second water break then starting the list again. Perform this 3 times and feel free to take a longer than 60-second break if needed.

HIIT Workout #1 vo2 Max Trainer

Battle Ropes360s 1
Front Planks360s 2
Burpees360s 3
Slam Ball-Overhead Slam360s 4
Kettlebell Swing360s 5
Ab Roller360s 6